Back to School: Learning Without Limits

A campaign ensuring every child experiencing homelessness overcomes barriers and has the tools to succeed this school year.

"Education is the key to breaking the cycle of homelessness. Every child deserves the chance to learn and grow, regardless of their circumstances."

— Richard W. Murphy, Nonprofit Advocate

Take the barriers away, and let the kids be kids.

  • Supplies for Success

    This donation helps us cover the cost of the essential school supplies, including backpacks, clothes, and other items necessary for a child's educational journey.

  • A Day for Dreaming

    With this gift, you cover all a child's needs for a day: three nutritious meals, an after-school snack, a safe and clean place to complete homework with access to tutors, and the comfort of a secure home. Additionally, it includes access to mental and physical healthcare, a playground or playroom for safe play, and a link to educational resources, including our reading castle filled with books for all reading levels.

  • A Week of Wonder

    This contribution ensures a child in our shelter will have a week of comprehensive support, including a safe, clean shelter, daily meals, after-school snacks, school supplies, and transportation. It also covers access to health services, a child advocate case worker, and resources for extracurricular activities, all while maintaining a worry-free experience about shelter and food needs.

  • A Month of Milestones

    Your donation provides a month of stability and growth for a child. It covers a full month’s worth of safe shelter, nutritious meals, after-school snacks, school supplies, and transportation. It also supports ongoing access to healthcare, academic tutoring, and extracurricular activity resources, as well as a clean, safe environment for homework and play. 

  • A Semester of Smiles

    This generous gift ensures a child receives comprehensive support for an entire school semester. It includes all aspects of daily care: safe, clean shelter, three meals a day, snacks, school supplies, transportation, and access to health services. Additionally, it supports a child advocate case worker, a clean homework space with tutoring, extracurricular activity resources, and a reading castle with books for all levels. This donation guarantees a stable, enriching environment for a child’s academic and personal growth throughout the semester.

Did you know?

  • 60%

    of students experiencing homelessness in Summit County lack access to essential school supplies, which affects their ability to fully participate in their education.

  • 24,046

    students in Ohio were experiencing homelessness in 2023.

  • 25%

    of students experiencing homelessness in Summit County show signs of severe emotional distress, which can have academic and social impacts.

  • 73%

    of students experiencing homelessness in Summit County missed at least 10 days of school in the 2022-2023 academic year.

  • 50%

    of students who are chronically absent in any year from 8th to 12th grade have a higher risk of dropping out of high school compared to their peers.

Your support helps a child at our shelter experience a day filled with confidence, learning, and joy. By removing barriers to education during their time of homelessness, we are collectively working towards a brighter future, one day at a time.